
Play Quadro Space Line with drawers

Play quadro space line, with practical drawers

This cabinet of 54cm depth, with drawer and inner drawer and flat fronts is very handy and spacious. 


Enlarge your storage possibilities with one or more middle or tall units.  


A vast choice in washbasins: mineral marble M1 or M2, glossy or top solid mat, and porcelain C1.  The washbasins have 1 basin (central or decentral) or 2 basins


height lines

560 mm




800 mm

900 mm (only C1)
1000 mm
1200 mm



1200 mm (only M1)

1400 mm (only M1)

1200 mm
1400 mm
1600 mm



540 mm


Mineral marble M1




Mineral marble M2


Porcelain C1